Nissan Leaf Nismo RC: l’auto elettrica si trasforma in un missile da corsa [FOTO]

  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.
  • With dual electric motors, all-wheel drive and an aggressive, restyled body shape, the purpose-built Nissan LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates how Nissan's electric vehicle technology can deliver exciting yet quiet, zero-emission power Ð a key component of the company's Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The model is equipped with advanced battery technology and drivetrain components from the Nissan LEAF, the world's best-selling electric car.

La nuova Leaf Nismo RC si presenta come un’auto elettrica da corsa capace di integrare tutte le tecnologie dei veicoli elettrici Nissan

La nuova Nissan LEAF NISMO RC, auto da corsa elettrica con una potenza massima e un’erogazione di coppia più che raddoppiate rispetto alla versione precedente, è stata presentata oggi a Tokyo presso Nissan Crossing, nel quartiere di Ginza.

Sviluppata da NISMO, la divisione sportiva di Nissan specializzata nelle tecnologie di gara, la LEAF NISMO RC debutterà ufficialmente il prossimo 2 dicembre nel circuito del Fuji in occasione del NISMO Festival, accanto alla nuova auto da corsa elettrica di Nissan per la Formula E.

Con il doppio motore elettrico, la trazione integrale e un nuovo design per gli esterni, questa vettura ad alte prestazioni dimostra che la tecnologia dei veicoli elettrici Nissan può offrire una guida entusiasmante e al tempo stesso silenziosa, all’insegna di una alimentazione a zero emissioni, elemento fondamentale della visione Nissan Intelligent Mobility

La nuova Nissan LEAF NISMO RC è alimentata da due motori elettrici collocati alle estremità opposte del telaio. Insieme generano una potenza combinata di 240 kilowatt (120 kW ciascuno) e forniscono alle ruote una straordinaria coppia istantanea pari a 640 Nm. La potenza massima e l’erogazione di coppia risultano più che raddoppiate rispetto alla versione precedente di LEAF NISMO RC, lanciata nel 2011. Tra le tecnologie di trasmissione riprese dalla nuova Nissan LEAF spiccano gli inverter e la batteria agli ioni di litio ad alta capacità. La vettura presenta una serie di componenti leggeri e una struttura monoscocca sportiva interamente in fibra di carbonio, per un peso complessivo di 1.220 chili. Il rapporto potenza-peso consente un’accelerazione da 0 a 100 km/h in soli 3,4 secondi, con un incremento di velocità del 50% rispetto al modello precedente.
